MattZero – Reduce Costs. Mitigate Risks. Take Action on SaaS Subscriptions

Manage and Optimize your SaaS Costs
More Visibility, Less Waste!

Get a detailed view of all your SaaS subscriptions to make informed decisions, reduce waste, and eliminate duplicate licenses.

Dashboard de uso Microsoft

Dashboard OverviewMicrosoft 365

Maximize Control with MattZero

Relatório de custos com Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 cost report according to license type

Our SaaS Management Platform offers a complete and efficient approach to monitor, track and maintain compliance. In addition to conventional services, our solution is an innovative and user-friendly platform, allowing access to customizable reports to base decisions on reliable data.

MattZero provides software asset management professionals with reliable information to ensure the company is aware of its precise licensing position with manufacturers.

Optimize your costs and gain a competitive advantage!

Relatório de custos com Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 cost report according to license type

PPN Benchmarking

Benchmarking adobe

Discover the power of our Software Licensing Benchmarking Module and Understand your company's positioning in relation to market prices

Benchmarking adobe

PPN Bencmarking – Comparison of market values

Maximize your licensing investments and achieve a competitive advantage

Microsoft 365 optimization and governance

Licenças M365

Dashboard Office 365 usage control and recommendations

Maximize the potential of your Microsoft Office 365 with us, ensuring it fits your budget. We analyze usage and applications to optimize your subscription, aligning investment with users' needs. Make your Office 365 work for you!

Licenças M365

Dashboard Office 365 usage control and recommendations

Start transforming your software management today!

Frequently asked questions

SaaS assets are software made available through the Software as a Service (SaaS) model, where applications are hosted in the cloud and accessed via the internet, instead of being installed locally on users' devices. These assets are essential for companies looking for efficient and flexible solutions, as they allow easy and remote access to a variety of software applications and services, without the need to manage IT infrastructure locally.

With our unique SaaS asset management platform, you'll have access to a single, detailed view of all your software assets, allowing you to make informed decisions about optimization and eliminating duplicate licensing.

Eliminating duplicate licensing can result in significant savings and improve operational efficiency. Our platform offers specific tools to identify and resolve these duplications efficiently.

MattZero offers a complete and efficient approach to monitoring, tracking and maintaining compliance of software assets. With customizable reports and reliable information, you can ensure your business is in compliance with software licenses.

Our platform delivers valuable insights to optimize your licensing costs, enabling you to negotiate with confidence, avoid over-provisioning, and make informed decisions based on reliable data.